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Carrot Payasam

Cook Time: 30 mins


  • 4 Roughly chopped carrots

  • 3 cups + 1/2 cup Milk

  • 1 cup sugar

  • 1 tsp Cardamom powder

  • Slivered pistachios, for garnishing


  1. In a pressure cooker add the carrots and 1/2 cup milk and give 3-4 whistles

  2. Puree this in a blender

  3. In the same cooker, add the rest of the milk and start boiling till it reduces a little

  4. Add the carrot puree and boil for another 5 minutes

  5. Add the sugar and boil for another 2 minutes

  6. Garnish with cardamom powder and sliced pistachios

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